If you reside in Indiana, chances are pretty high you have most likely had some type of rodent problem. Typically, once rats or mice have taken up residence in your home, their goal is to create a nest and produce a family.

You want to prevent this from happening or get rid of them before they have a chance to do so. We know that having them on your property is not healthy. Friends and family could possibly assume things about your hygiene based on your problem as well. Get in touch with our extermination experts to receive more information on how to fix this immediately.

Rats are good about establishing their nests where people typically don’t go. You can certainly attempt to capture these vermin on your own. This is often doable but we know that many people don’t have the time to deal with the hassles and are disgusted with the very idea of disposing of their dead bodies.

bed bug exterminator

Emergency Rodent Removal Services

In the chance that you do see one, the odds are quite substantial that there are more concealed elsewhere in your home. Nevertheless, do not worry.  Even though you have discovered these critters, it doesn’t mean it is your wrongdoing.  They are excellent at getting through tiny crevices, spaces, and cracks.

One of our pro technicians will take care of your situation in a clean and effective manner.  A member of our team will come to your house to assess the circumstances and then determine the optimal method of treatment for your predicament.  Call today to schedule your appointment.

If you have concerns please do not hesitate to ask us when you call.  (317-494-7225)  We’re more than pleased to assist you and make sure you ask about the wide range of treatment solutions we provide.